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Cannabinoids and the human body.


Marijuana plants contain natural chemical compounds called cannabinoids; your body naturally produces cannabinoids as well. For example, when you get a runner’s high you are experiencing natural euphoric feelings, caused by cannabinoids. Marijuana mimics responses like this, impacting your body through different cannabinoids, shown below.

Responsible for the central nervous system and psychoactive effects.

Responsible for pain, inflammation, and the immune system.

Cannabinoid receptors react with cannabinoids that enter the body, such as THC and CBD; every marijuana plant contains cannabinoids. When ingested, these connect with the Endocannabinoid system, a system that establishes and maintains human health. 

Cannabinoids and their receptors are found in your…

Immune Cells

This communication system includes receptors that connect to all types of cannabinoids, in a lock-and-key effect, for symptom relief. The cannabinoid acts as the key; as it binds with receptors, it unlocks the effects as if they were natural effects. The goal of this system is to maintain a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment, also known as homeostasis. 

Common Cannabinoids in Heated Marijuana

Marijuana often gets categorized as raw or heated. Raw marijuana is the living plant that is later transformed into heat-activated marijuana. Heat-activated marijuana is the dried, cured marijuana flower buds that contain the sought after compounds of THC, CBD, and CBG.


The following are the common cannabinoids found in heated marijuana.

Psychoactive =

Non-psychoactive =



THC may reduce nausea and anxiety and may have neuroprotective properties.



CBD may reduce anxiety, depression, and inflammation and may have immunosuppressive and neuroprotective properties.



CBG may reduce depression and may act as a bone stimulant.

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Know your strain.

The strain variances play a huge role in the levels of THC and CBD.

Learn more about the differences between Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid strains. 

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